Finnish Retriever Association
The Finnish Retriever Association (FRA), founded in 1963, is a breed organization for Chesapeake retrievers and Curly-coated retrievers and at the same time a nationwide organization for retrievers and retriever owners with more than 6,000 members. Our mission is to promote the original purpose of retrievers and increase the appreciation of retriever breeds as versatile hunting and hobby dogs.
Finnish Retriever Association has 20 local clubs, which organize counselling, trainings and tests locally. In addition to the local retriever clubs, FRA consists of breed clubs and others clubs that have kennel activity. FRA itself organizes two big retriever events yearly: a summer camp for the entire family with different training activities, and a main specialty show for all retriever breeds in autumn with over 400 entries.
Finnish Retriever Association is a member of the Finnish Kennel Club and Suomen Palveluskoiraliitto, the organization of service and rescue dog activities.

The Breed Organization
Originally, Finnish Retriever Association was responsible for the breeding of all six retriever breeds, but gradually the breeding tasks have been transferred to the breeds' own breed organizations. The Finnish Retriever Association is still the breed organization for Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and Curly-Coated Retrievers.

The Membership
Anyone can apply membership from FRA’s membership secretary or a local club. In both cases, you can become a member of a local retriever club, too. Every retriever owner or one that is thinking about becoming one, should be a member of Finnish Retriever Association. All members receive the membership magazine Nuusku, published four times a year, and in addition, a new member receives a valuable information package, Startti-Nuusku, upon joining. The members of FRA will also benefit from our numerous partners.
The Finnish Retriever Association and its member clubs have several officials, areas of responsibilities and voluntary task in events, tests, trainings ans other activities. Members are needed for these tasks. Doing together is rewarding and fun.

The Assocition's Meetings
Finnish Retriever Association has two annual meetings, a spring meeting and autumn meeting, for its members.
The member clubs choose in their own annual meetings their board members and representatives for FRA’s statutory meetings. In FRA's Annual General Meeting (spring meeting) the official financial and operational reports are presented and the discharge from liability is granted to the accountables. FRA’s autumn meeting chooses the chairman and the board members for the association as well as the representatives for the Finnish Kennel Club.
Main Contacts:
Sanna Ylänen, Chair of the Association
p. +358 400 969 999, puheenjohtaja(ät)
Inka-Mari Sarvola, Secretary of the Association
p. +358 40 9120 357, sihteeri(ät)
Replace (ät) with @
Postal Address:
Finnish Retriever Association - Suomen Noutajakoirajärjestö
c/o Inka-Mari Sarvola
Servinkuja 6 B 11
02150 Espoo
Contants for Media:
Sanna Ylänen, Chair of the Association
p. +358 400 969 999, puheenjohtaja(ät)
Saara Seppänen, Communications
p. +358 50 463 5913 tiedotus(ät)